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Cary IL

The Water Division in Cary, IL provides water for over 18,000 residents and 500+ businesses.

Cary’s water supply comes from 9 wells to supply 5 filtration plants that reduce Iron and Manganese. 3 softening plants are used to reduce water hardness levels before the water is stored in 6 storage tanks throughout the city.

Water must travel through over 75 miles of pipe before it reaches your home or business.

Cary IL Water Hardness

Cary water hardness ranges from 22-28gpg. The water is rated as extremely hard by the USGS, and is 4-5x harder than the national average. A professional-grade Water Softener will go a long way towards protecting your home from hard water damage.

Annual Water Quality Reports

Water quality can change from year-to-year. Our database of Annual Water Quality Reports will give you a better idea of “what’s in your water”:

2011 Cary Annual Water Quality Report
2010 Cary Annual Water Quality Report

The contaminants in these reports have been listed by category below. All contaminants are within Legal Limits. Water contaminants that exceed the EPA’s Maximum Contaminant Level Goal (MCLG), aka Health Limit, have been highlighted below:

Inorganic Contaminants

Inorganics include salts and metals like hard water and copper. Inorganics are mostly consumed through drinking water, and do not pass through skin. A Reverse Osmosis System is very effective at removing inorganic contaminants.

Contaminant Levels Found Health Limit Legal Limit Potential Effects
Arsenic 0.09 – 0.52 0ppb 10 Skin damage or problems with circulatory system, may have increased risk of cancer
Barium 0.34 – 1.9 2ppm 2 Increase in blood pressure
Cadmium 0.52 – 3.1 0.04ppb 5 Kidney damage
Hardness 22 – 28 NA gpg NA Increased energy consumption, damage to plumbing, appliances, fixtures, clothing
Iron 0 – 0.13 NA ppm 0.3 Increased energy consumption, damage to plumbing, appliances, fixtures, clothing
Manganese 11 – 66 50ppb 50 Black staining, decreased IQ in children
Selenium 0 – 2.1 50ppb 50 Hair or fingernail loss, numbness in fingers or toes, circulation problems
Sodium 22 – 120 NA ppm NA Hypertension
Sulfate 0 – 63 NA ppm NA Catharsis, Dehydration from diarrhea

Organic Contaminants

Organics can be natural, or manmade. Many organic chemicals easily pass through the skin, and make a Whole House Carbon Filter or a DMT Hybrid System a good preventative tool.

Contaminant Levels Found Health Limit Legal Limit Potential Effects
Carbon Tetrachloride 0.01 – 0.06 0ppb 5 Liver problems, increased risk of cancer
Lindane 0.01 0.03ppb 0.2 Liver or kidney problems

Disinfectants and Disinfection Byproducts

Disinfectants are added to kill bacteria. A new class of compounds are formed when disinfectants like chlorine react with other water contaminants. Many of these enter the body through inhalation, absorption through skin, and through drinking water.

Contaminant Levels Found Health Limit Legal Limit Potential Effects
Chlorine 0.55 – 0.68 4.0ppm 4 Eye/nose irritation; stomach discomfort
Haloacetic Acids 1.34 – 2.5 0ppb 60 Increased risk of cancer
Total Trihalomethanes 11 – 18 0ppb 80 Liver, kidney or central nervous system problems; increased risk of cancer
Trichloroacetic Acid 0.42 – 1.1 20ppb 60 Increased risk of cancer, inhalation poses highest risk


Radionucliides can be naturally occurring or be the result of oil and gas production and mining activities. These can be inhaled, or consumed through drinking water.

Contaminant Levels Found Health Limit Legal Limit Potential Effects
Alpha Emitters 2.94 – 9.4 0pCi/L 15 Increased risk of cancer
Combined Radium 0 – 4.39 0pCi/L 5 Increased risk of cancer

This information was compiled from City Water Quality Reports, the EPA, Illinois Department of Health, and the Environmental Working Group. Please contact us if any contaminants are missing, or levels that differ from those outlined on this page.

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